четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

Sometimes it's ok talking to him. Sometimes it's not. Most of the time he just gets on my nerves, but it usually happens when he's drunk or stoned. And he's like this most of the time. I'm glad we broke up.
Now he forces me to earn money from russian Blur community. I yelled at him and called him a dickhead. I'm doing this because of love and appreciation towards these people.
Such an attitude only irritates me. Different internet magazines and radio shows write me asking to make posts about them. If it relates to Blur (or any member of it) I do it, if it's not an advertising.
And he says I should ask for money!
"You devote too many hours to it." tells me 26 year old guy who hasn't worked for few years already, lives with his mum and dates 16 year old girl :S
Of course I don't pay attention. I'm HAPPY we broke up.

среда, 2 мая 2012 г.

I need to hang on this note somewhere near my computer, so my co-workers won't be bothered anymore trying to arrange a date for me

Одинокая девушка одинока отнюдь не потому, что до сих пор не встретила распрекрасного Петю. Она одинока потому, что по своим внутренним причинам не готова ни к встрече с Петей, ни к отношениям еще с кем-либо. Судьбоносная встреча происходит тогда, когда человек к ней готов. А устраивать свидания, когда о них не просят – это, опять же, унижение человеческого достоинства. Подобная “забота” не стоит благодарности – лучше от нее деликатно отказаться.
Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.
― William Gibson

wow it's slightly frightening but I really look the same. My Fred Perry is black tho with twin white lines on the sleeves, but basically if I smoke I even smoke Malboro menthol lights (I'm ashamed to admit what I'm doing this, it happens really rarely and usually after couple of drinks...lol that doesn't add any extra points to my reputation)

at least today I'm wearing red converse and loose blue shirt... wow another original look of mine.
The point is I've always fighted to look differently to others and now I'm realising all what I'm doing is just replica of someone else? Does it really bother me?

суббота, 28 апреля 2012 г.

Holy shit I can't be so pissed off with one person, can I?
I love my job and most of the people around, but sometimes I just want to punch one lady in the face to cut her down. Srsly she doesn't stop talking ever, she has an opinion on everything even if she doesn't know what we're talking about. She thinks she's centre of attention and everyone looks at her and admires her. She's talking about it aloud! God how annoying.
And she thinks she can judge my style and she does that every single day.
She calls me a viper and asks to use sarcasm a bit less, but I just can't! I can't stand her and her stupidity.

пятница, 27 апреля 2012 г.

wow I haven't written here for a long time. It's just... every time I went on here I don't feel it's alright to write down something. it's so ridiculous honestly, I don't need to explore deep and mysterious corners of my or anyone else soul every time I want to leave a note. it's just...diary. I shouldn't be serious about it. 
wow I'm so pretentious lol
anyway I guess I'm doing well. I mean I've been super busy at work lately, so much stuff to do etc, I even look for assistant rn, who would done all boring, but necessary stuff, which kills a lot of my time that I could have spent more creatively.

In other news there are like 3 men who seem interested in me :/ and as always I don't feel like going on a date with anyone of them.
I dunno what's this, just a little hint on possibility-of-sometthing-what-might-be-called-relationship-in-the-future and I'm disappearing in a moment. None of them is smart, funny or beautiful enough for my high desires, so I can't be bothered at all.
I like being on my own, don't know why do people make such a big fuss from it.

понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

wow we got closer with Polina lately, because of her started obsession with Blur. Not sure who's one to blame. Was it me and just chain of sequences, but she's truly obsessed now and yay now we share not only love to AM and Miles.
She's cute and nice, once I felt down and she called me and sang 3 songs in a row, that was so aaawwww sometimes it's really freaking me out (in a good way) that some people are so kind and concerned. I mean I'm trying to be like this too, but... idk probably I rarely meet someone like this irl.
And she reminds me of me a lot. She's a bit younger (17 years old) and of course hasn't experienced same things as me yet, but she strangely sounds a lot like me most of the time.
And even her behaviour...once we got closely, I see how much she needs my company and she's trying to look less eager, but fails and accidentally drops something like "oh evening without you seemed so boring and unworthy".
I know how hard it can be to say. I'm always afraid that people don't feel the same way as me and my concern for certain person just bothers him.
It's like a vicious circle. I'm afraid to say what I want to say aloud and being such an annoying stalker, so choose completely opposite direction and look indifferent in other eyes, so if they've loved me already they don't sure if I love them back, so they go away as as soon as possible.
Yes, she's often called unemotional and arrogant and concentrated on being model student etc
She doesn't suffer fools gladly and she doesn't know how to keep distance with the current affair ;)
stay awesome guuurl